

英漢字典: come down

1. fall;drop倒塌;(樹)倒下

    Several trees came down in last night's storm. 昨晚的風暴刮倒了幾棵樹。

    The building came down in the storm. 這幢樓在暴風雨中倒塌了。

2. descend;land下來;下降

    Five of the enemy planes came down in the battle. 在戰鬥中有5架敵機被打了下來。

3. lessen;be reduced降低;減少

    Her weight has come down again. 她的體重又減輕了。

    The child's temperature came down in the morning. 孩子的體溫在早晨降下來了。

    The price of beer is coming down soon. 啤酒的價格很快就要下跌。

4. be given or left to people who are younger or come later傳給;流傳下來

    The girl's necklace had come down to her from her grandmother. 這女孩的項鏈是她祖母傳下來的。

    The custom has come down in our area for two centuries. 這種風俗在本地區流傳有兩個世紀了。

    This house has come down from father to son for eight generations. 這幢房子代代相傳已達8代。

5. lose social rank失掉社會地位

    I am fraid the family has come down in the world lately. 我擔心這個家庭的社會地位最近已在下降。

    The elderly gentleman plainly has come down in the world. 這位老紳士顯然是已經敗落破產。

    He is coming down in my opinion. 他在我心目中的地位已下降。

6. provide money,often as a gift;make a gift of money出錢;捐款

    We don't expect him to come down generously. 我們並不指望他會慷慨解囊。

7. decide to give support決定給予支持

    I am determined to come down in favour of Jim. 我決心支持吉姆。

8. be forced to(by poverty)to do sth. humiliating(因貧窮)被迫做屈辱的事

    He has come down to begging. 他已淪為乞丐。

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